1) Meaning of decoding is ---------- De multiplexing

2) Flip flop cannot be called as ----------combinational circuit

3) In which of the code only one bit changes at each time ----------- Gray code

4) (0.3125)10 when converted to base 8 gives --------------- (0.24)8

5) Modulo-2 addition is represented by ---------------------- F=X XOR Y

6) Intel 8085 microprocessor has two registers known as primary data pointers. These are -----Register H & L

7) A boolean variable or its complement is known as ----------Literal

8) Gauss law relates the electric field intensity E with volume charge density p at a point as-------------- V.E =p/Eo

9) Which of the following method of biasing provides the best operating point stability ------------ Two battery bias

10) In a JFET, at pinch-off voltage applied on the gate -----------------The drain current is almost at saturation value1) Meaning of decoding is ---------- De multiplexing

2) Flip flop cannot be called as ----------combinational circuit

3) In which of the code only one bit changes at each time ----------- Gray code

4) (0.3125)10 when converted to base 8 gives --------------- (0.24)8

5) Modulo-2 addition is represented by ---------------------- F=X XOR Y

6) Intel 8085 microprocessor has two registers known as primary data pointers. These are -----Register H & L

7) A boolean variable or its complement is known as ----------Literal

8) Gauss law relates the electric field intensity E with volume charge density p at a point as-------------- V.E =p/Eo

11) Transistor is a --------Current controlled current device

12) An oscillator of the LC type that has a split capacitor in the circuit is -----------Colpitts oscillator

13)the slew rate of an operational amplifier indicates ----------------How fast its output voltage can change when a step input signal is given

14)active loaded MOS deferential circuit has a ---------------High deferential gain

15)The maximum binary number counted by a ripple counter that uses four FlipFlops is --------(1111)2

16) The electric field strength at any point equals -------------- Negative of the potential gradient at that point

17) The Laplace transform of a unit ramp function starting at t-a, is ---------------e^-as/s^2

18) In an RC coupled CE amplifier, typical value of coupling capacitor is -----------10uF

19) The device which behaves like a SCR is ----------------- Triac

20)Strapping is used in a magnetorn to ---------------prevent mode jumping

21)HDLC is a term for ----------------Data Communication protocol

22) Which family of the following IC's has the highest speed??--------ECL

23)Which of the following microwave tubes can be considered as broadband devices??-------------Travelling Wave Tube(TWT)

24) Baud is-----------Reciprocal of shortest signal element in a character

25) Energy stord in a capacitor is a function of voltage is given by--------------cv^2/ 2

26)The matrix A=[] is ---------------------Singular

27) The differential equation dy/dx=y^2 is ------------------Non-linear

28) If A and b are mutually exclusive events then P(A u B)= -------------- P(A)+P(B)-P(AUB)

29) If r is the correlation coefficient, then which of the following is correct ?---------------- -1<= r <=1

30) The gray code equivalent of Binary 1100 --------------------1010

31)The following sequence of instruction are executed by 8085 microprocessor------------------SP=27FF, HL=1003
32) For the system described by the state equation -----------------------------0, -1, -2

33)The minimized form of logical expression --------------------
A BAR . B BAR + B . C BAR + A BAR. B

34)A class A transformer coupled transistor power amplifiers is required to deliver a power output 10 watts -------------------------- 20 W

35) A second order system has a transfer function given by ---------------------------Pi sec

36) The decimal equivalent of hex number 1A53 --------------- 6739

37) The simplification of the boolean expression ABC + ABC BAR -------------------1

38) If the input to T-flip flop is 100 Hz signal ------------------------------12.5 Hz

39)For the circuit shown in Fig 1 the input -----------------------------2R1

40) The laplace transform of -------------------------1/(s+2)

41)In integrated circuits , npn construction is preferred to pnp--------------------- To reduce diffusion constant, n-type collector is preferred

42)L[sint/t]= ------------------------cot inverse s

43) The eigen values of a matrix ------------- -2.3.6

44) The unit tangent vector to the curve ---------------------- Answer is not available

45)For a poisson variata -------------------- Answer is either 2 or 1

46)To limit the rate of rise ------------ Inductor is inserted in anode circuit

47) The important application of schmitt ------------To convert slowly varying input voltage to abrupt voltage change

48) the 3 dB band width means -------------------- The open loop voltage gain reduced to 0.707

49) The noise figure of a receiver --------------------- excess noise generated

50) The frequency deviation in FM system is proportional --------------Modulating signal amplitude

51) The velocity of electromagnetic wave ------------------ Less than the velocity in free space

52) The smith chart generally covers a ----------------------- Half wavelength

53) In which of the counter the clock input ---------------------- synchronous counter

54) An OPAMP integrator will be -------------------- Capacitor feedback

55) The term free running is usually associated with ----------- Astable multi vibrator

56) The feedback network of a phase shift oscillator is usually consit------------------- RC circiut

57) The bilinear transformation is ------------------------ s= 2(1-Z^-1)/T(1+Z-^1)

58) The number of complex multiplication ----------------- N/2 log2 N

59)The Boolean expression a +bc is equal to--------------- (a+ b) (a+c)

60) How many bits are needed to address----------------16

61) ASCII is an input------------ Its is an 8 bits

62) A digital circuit designed to ------------------------- Single purpose processor

63) A half wave folded ---------------- 288 ohm

64) If several stations in a network want --------------------------------- Multiplexing

65)Modulation index of the frequency modulation -------------------- Frequency and amplitute of carrier signal

66) The linear convolution of the sequences --------------[2,-1,-2,2,-2,-2,2]

67) If x(n+qN) =x(n) ---------------------------------- N
68) when analog signal of banwidth 20 Khz-------------------- 80 kilo symbol/sec

69) For a communication system, using coherent BPSK -------------------Answer not available

70)The efficiency n of AM with 50 -------------------- 11.1%

71) The DFT of the sequence -------------------- [6,0. 2, 0]

72) The Nyquist rate for the analog signal x(t) = 3 cos 100 ---------------------- 400

73) For a logical expression is ----------------0

74) Nyquist sampling interval for the signal sinc(100pi t) ----------- answer not available

75) Given W^16 = W^x slove for x --------------------- 16

All answers given are almost correct 

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