Approximate Gross salaries of Central Government for Different Pay bands

Sixth Central Pay Commission is the first Central Pay Commission to be constituted in this century of rapid technological advances and after coming into force of the Right To Information (RTI) and Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Acts. The Government machinery, therefore, has to gear up for better performance under stricter fiscal discipline and delivery mechanisms. These imperatives
are reflected in the Terms of Reference of the Sixth Central Pay Commission which made it incumbent on the Commission to recommend systemic changes for, (i) transforming the Central Government organizations into modern, professional and citizen friendly entities that are dedicated to the service of the people; and (ii) harmonizing functioning of the Central Government Organizations with the demands of the emerging global economic scenario.

The Sixth Central Pay Commission, therefore, had not only to evolve a proper
pay package for the Government employees but also to make recommendations rationalizing the governmental structure with a view to improving the delivery mechanisms for providing better services to the common man.

To Know the approximate gross salaries for all the scale of pay, for different increments,for different cities,for DA and TA and including other allowances of central government click the below link 

Salient features of Sixth Central Pay Commission the Report:

 1.Implementation of the revised pay scales from January 1, 2006. Recommendations relating to allowances to be implemented prospectively.

2.To remove stagnation, introduction of running pay bands for all posts in the Government presently existing in scales below that of Rs.26,000 (fixed).

3.Four distinct running pay bands being recommended - one running band each for all categories of employees in groups ‘B’ and ‘C’ with 2 running pay bands for Group A posts.
4. The posts of Secretary to Government of India/equivalent and Cabinet Secretary/equivalent to be kept in distinct pay scales.

5. A separate running pay band, designated as -1S scale, is not to be counted for any purpose as no future recruitment is to be made in this grade and all the present Group D employees not possessing the prescribed qualifications are to be upgraded and placed in the Group ‘C’ running pay band PB-1 after they are suitably retrained. Group D employees possessing the minimum prescribed qualifications to be placed in PB-1 pay band straightaway.

6. Minimum salary at the entry level of PB-1 pay band to be Rs.6660 (Rs.4860 as pay in the pay band plus Rs.1800 as grade pay). Maximum salary at the level of
Secretary/equivalent to be Rs.80000. The minimum: maximum ratio 1:12.

7. The total number of grades reduced to 20 spread across four distinct running pay bands;one Apex Scale and another grade for the post of Cabinet Secretary/equivalent as against 35 standard pay scales existing earlier.

8. Annual increments to be paid in form of two and half percent of the total of pay in the Pay Band and the corresponding grade pay. The date of annual increments, in all cases, to be first of July. Employees completing six months and above in the scale as on July 1 to be eligible.


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